Kommand News & Updates

We are excitied to announce some new features on Kommand, we hope you like them and feel free to feedback to us. Read more

Does your business need a website? Posted

New BusinessHave you just started a new business? The fluidity and energy of the start-up boom is starting to gain real headway in Britain. Recent figures have emerged that clearly show the country is in the midst of a rapidly changing marketplace in regards to onlin…  Read more

Never before has the world been able to connect across the globe and interact so easily. The internet has completely changed the way businesses trade and how customers gather the information. It has revolutionised the way small businesses operate and comm…  Read more

Grow Your Business with Kommand Posted

Do you have a small or a medium business? Would you like to be discovered online? Never before has the world been able to connect across the globe and interact so easily. The internet has completely changed the way small businesses market and how customer…  Read more

New Features in Kommand Posted

New features in Kommand, have a look at what we have been adding to Kommand in the last few months. You will love these great features. Read more