We wrote a post a couple of weeks ago giving you a beginners' guide to Title Tags. This week we're tackling Meta Descriptions, what are they? And how can they improve your website's search rankings. Read more
One of the main challenges Ecommerce businesses face is the ability to be found and seen online. Most people will use search engines to look for products online and if your webpage sits on page 20 of search results it will statistically be clicked on... Read more
Content marketing is one of the key features in developing your SEO strategy and achieving high ranking results on Google, Bing or Yahoo. Internet browsers are looking for the relevant information about your products and services in order to compare the p…
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As part of our SEO Basics series we have previously covered the topic of optimizing Title Tags for SEO purposes. Today’s post focuses on how the optimisation of Anchor Texts can help improve your website's SEO... Read more
If you run a website for your small business then congratulations you are already ahead of a third of UK business owners who still don't have a website. If you have used a website builder to create your site then we can be pretty certain that one... Read more