
The Changing Landscape of Mcommerce Posted

Storefront AppsWe all love a bit of online shopping, right? There’s something about not having to physically part with cash then seeing an “Order Confirmed” screen that makes us positively gleeful. Read more

shutterstock_227545372.jpgBy January 2018, it will no longer be legal to charge customers for making credit or debit card payments. As part of a EU directive, the UK are also banning charges added to American Express, Apple Pay and Paypal transactions. Read more

How to Start Selling Your Products Online from Home.jpgAre you thinking of opening an online store? Nowadays there are many different platforms out there which make it simple to sell products online. Whether you choose to set up through a third party website such as Etsy or want to create your own branded... Read more

mailchimp.pngAt Kommand we like to keep up to date with any developments in APIs we integrate into our system. We recently got news of a new Mail Chimp feature we think our clients could benefit from - Product Recommendations - and wanted to pass the information on to Read more

shutterstock_98998358.jpgHave you set up your online store but are not getting any sales? Regardless of how appealing your products are, or how smooth the navigation is from selecting a product, purchasing and then paying for it, if your website lacks the traffic to begin... Read more